Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is defined as an individual’s inability to control their bladder, resulting in uncontrolled pee leaking. Although urine incontinence is commonly associated with women, the majority of men suffer from it as well, making it a gender-neutral medical issue. 

Depending on the severity of the illness, this medical condition may be transitory or permanent. Fortunately, you do not have to continue allowing urine incontinence to prohibit you from living your life because a customized treatment can address your problem.

Causes of urinary incontinence

Here are concise pointers for the causes of temporary and permanent urinary incontinence:

  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Infections can irritate the bladder temporarily.
  • Medications: Certain drugs, like diuretics, may cause temporary incontinence.
  • Constipation: Chronic constipation puts additional pressure on the bladder temporarily.
  • Stress or Anxiety: Emotional stress can lead to temporary incontinence, especially stress incontinence.
  • Pregnancy and Childbirth: likely to weaken pelvic floor muscles temporarily.
  • Excessive Fluid Intake: Drinking large amounts of fluids, especially caffeinated or alcoholic, can lead to temporary incontinence.
  • Aging: Natural changes with age can lead to permanent incontinence.
  • Neurological Disorders: Conditions such as multiple sclerosis or stroke may cause permanent incontinence.
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Weakening pelvic floor support structures can cause permanent incontinence.
  • Prostate Problems: Enlarged prostate or prostate issues can cause permanent incontinence in men.
  • Certain Surgeries: Procedures in the pelvic region may cause permanent incontinence due to nerve or muscle damage.
  • Congenital Conditions: Some individuals may have congenital conditions leading to permanent incontinence.

Diagnosing urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is diagnosed by your doctor, who assesses your medical history and completes a physical examination. To illustrate urine incontinence, you may be asked to perform a basic physical exercise such as coughing. The following tests help to confirm the diagnosis:

  • Urinalysis- A urine sample is taken from the patient and checked in the laboratory for traces of blood, symptoms of infection, or other abnormalities during urinalysis.
  • Measurement of Post-Void Residual Urine- You will be asked to urinate into a container, and the urine will be measured. An ultrasound test will determine the amount of urine remaining in your bladder. A catheter will be put into your bladder to drain the urine and measure the urine left in your bladder. A large amount of urine left in the bladder could indicate a urinary tract obstruction, bladder muscle, or nerve problem.
  • Cystoscopy- A cystoscope is used to look for abnormalities inside the bladder.
  • Urodynamic Evaluation-Urodynamic testing entails using an x-ray to examine the bladder and urethral sphincter muscle functioning or putting a tiny tube into the bladder.

Options for urinary incontinence treatment Dubai

There are various urinary incontinence therapies available. However, they vary depending on the kind of incontinence, severity, and underlying cause of the patient. If an underlying issue exists, your practitioner will address it first. Among the therapy options are:


Physiotherapy & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy



Book your appointment with a urinary incontinence specialist at CE

If you are dealing with urinary incontinence, it is important to seek medical attention. Clinica Errami is here to help you with the right treatment options. 

Our dedicated urinary incontinence specialist is committed to providing personalized and effective solutions with timely diagnosis and prompt treatment to improve your quality of life.

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